Discussion Topics
What are our investment goals?
What is our investment horizon?
What is our risk tolerance?
With whom should we invest our money?
When should we invest?
What investment vehicles should we use?
How much capital should we allocate to each investment?
Where can we improve our portfolios?
What can we learn to better our investing?
Should we move to cash?
Should we stay fully invested?
What investment opportunities are available?

How We Invest
Set high level investment goals
Identify the Big Picture Theme
Then identify best in class ways to play those themes
Set investment timeline (with eyes on the future)
Select strategic partners
Develop our risk matrix and assess our risk tolerance
Agree on a strategic allocation
Benchmark allocation with Members
Use leverage and MFN to negotiate fees
Monitor investments to keep on track to our goals
Periodically relocate assets to be consistent with strategic allocation
Maintain a sufficient amount of "dry powder" to take advantage of "trading" opportunities